Expert Advice

Two of my favorite sites, I referenced them before I embarked upon the start of my adventure and found just about everything that I needed.

Women on the Road – Leyla, the author of this blog, has been traveling solo since the late ’90s and her blog has both personal stories and useful content.  I personally used her packing list, grid for what is the best time of the year to visit continents and countries, and her travel tips (after all, she’s been traveling far longer than I have).  Oh, and her site has plenty of information that men can utilize as well.  It’s not all for the ladies.

The Blog of Tim Ferriss – Author of The 4-Hour Workweek, Tim has traveled all over the world and has some great advice, as well as guest posts from fellow travelers.  And, his book is what helped give me the confidence I needed to make a complete lifestyle change.


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